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On this page I'll put the interviews I have with the guys

My first interview was with MC ENTROPY,thanx for that hun! XXX



Interview with MC ENTROPY:

1* What goes trough your mind when you have to put piercings in womans vagina's?
"First thing is fair...it's scary to see some things that come to get pierced.Sometimes I am shocked and say things like...'is that a vagina lip or a slice of roast beef?'But for the most part I want to vomit from discust."

2* If I would come in to your tattoo-shop and I would say yu can put in a piercing annywhere you want,where would you put it?
"Probably trough your knee cap.Like actually trough the knee and out the sides.The barbells would clink when you walk...it would be amusing" (yeah,for you mabey,but for me...?)

3* Do there come people in your shop just because they are WOLFPAC-fans?
"Sometimes.It's fun when they bring me food,because you know they did something gross to it.But I still eat it"

4* How's live at the PAC right now?
"Chillin...just released a new video,it's on MTV 2 and other various tv stations.So I guess you could say we are rockin!Working on some new material...and so on..."

5* What's the real story of DK leaving the PAC? ('cause I heard a few of them)
"I can't tell you or I'd have to kill you.The only clues I can give you are:it has to do with genial herpies,a summer camping trip gone bonkers and a crack cocaine habbit...you put 2 and 2 together."

6* Will you PLEASE put a message in my guestbook? (PLEASE,PLEASSSSSEEEE)
"Yes,as soon as my fingers grow back..." (If you have no fingers,than how did you answer these questions????)


My interview with DADDY LONG LEGS:

1* How did WOLFPAC get started?
Well,it started when I left BLOODHOUND GANG.I always had ideas of what I wanted and what we stared BLOODHOUND GANG to be started to mutate into something different,not the direction I wanted to go,hence the start of WOLFPAC.

2* How did you find the members?
People we knew,people who wanted to be down,we just auditioned them and we still do.WOLFPAC is a constant changing thing

3* How would you describe your music?
It's a hip hop meets hardcore.It's like if mixed the WU TANG CLAN with the MISFITS and then added some crack you would have WOLFPAC!

4* How manny tattoo's do you have?
No clue,a bunch,it's past counting.

5* How old where you when you got your first tattoo?

6* What was your first/last and wich one is your favorite tattoo?
My first tatto is the smaal cross on my right shoulder blade.My last is my left arm tribal bone/vine work.

7* How manny piercings do you have?
5 currently

8* How did your love for tattoo's and piercings get started?
Way back in the day when no one was getting inked it was a good way to decorate your body and something different to do.Now it's so damn trendy and stuff it's a bit annoying.

9* What do your parents think of the music you make?
They tolerate it.

10* If you could chose whatever girl you could fuck -dead or alive- who would it be?
Fairuza Balk.


My interview with SPOONY T:

1* How did you join WOLFPAC?
For awhile I was a huge fan of the horrorcore/rapcore music style and I checked out a couple of WOLFPAC shows and totally loved it! I started talking with the guys then and then SUITE BEE left so I eventually replaced him.

2* How long have you been in WOLFPAC?
My first show was in September 2000 and is was also actually in pretty much my hometown. So it made my first show just more memorable and just shows me how far I came along and fit in with the rest of WOLFPAC.

3* Why the name SPOONY T?
I believe it's a Mr.Show refference and outsite at my first show that I mentioned above I asked the others what I should go by and that's what they came up with,Pretty catchy!

4* How are the girls?
I think everyone else in WOLFPAC can agree some of the WOLFPAC fans that are girls are some of the craziest fans we have. And what can I say? I love all the girls that come out and support us and provide with a couple of extra favors!

5* Do you have anny tattoo's or piercings?
I currently don't have anny tattoo's. I'm sure half of my body will eventually be covered when I get some more time. But I do have 7 piercings. 2-nipples,1-Labret,1-tongue,3-ears.

6* What do you think of your fans?
I don't think we could ever thank our fans enough! We definately owe EVERYTHING to them! We will talk to just about anybody that wants to aks us a question or wait hours till we sign autographs for everyone in the venue! Even if there would be 3 kids at a show,we still will put on the best show we can just for those 3 down as fuck kids! So I definately love our fans and appreciate all the suport they show for WOLFPAC!

7* Would you like it when you could come to Holland and play a gig?
Hell yes! Then I could hook up with you (haha) and touring elsewhere than the United States would just be a really cool experienceand new territory for WOLFPAC!

8* Do you want anything to say to your fans?
Just that this is all for you! We are still around because of you down as fuck,crazy wolves keep spreading the word of WOLFPAC and by comming to shows and getting totally insane! Seeing the fans at the shows singing back the lyricks is just an amazing feeling,we greatly appreciate all your support. And thank you JOYCE (me! ;D)for having me do this interview! Keep spreading the word about WOLFPAC everyday!

9* Will you please sign my guestbook (pretty please)?
Fuck yeah,ofcourse! (Wich he did BTW...thanx for that hun XXX)



1* When did ya become a member of WOLFPAC?
I think I singed on back in Aug. of 2001

2* How do ya like it so far?
I love it,the guys are fantastic.I've had more fun in the past few months then in my 20 yrs I've spent on this revolving ball we call earth.

3* What's your "role" in the band?
I'm the guitarist and backing vocals.And annything els that come into play.

4* How did ya get in touch with WOLFPAC?
I met WOLFPAC a few years back at an ICP signing,that's how I found out about the PAC. Then over the summer I ran into Daddy and started talking with him,and now I'm here.

5* Did ya play in other bands before WOLFPAC?
Yeah,I played in a few bands,nothing big,but they are a little jealous of me now,go figure,well they all fucked me over in one way or another so fuck them ya know.

6* Do you have annymore piercings than the one in your tongue?
Yeah,I got in my septum(??),ears (all gauged),2 in my left nipple.

7* Do you have anny tattoo's?
Not as of now,but very shortly,I'll get back on you when I do!

8* Anny words for the fans?
Much LOVE goes out to all the fans world wide. And just remember,what breaks you,only makes you stronger,that's why I am where I am today.

9* Would ya please sign my guestbook or/and my message board?
Sure thing!
(Wich he did,the message board,you can learn from this Troy! I still haven't seen shit from you! ;) )